
#4 Social prejudice: Why we punish criminals? (Malayalam)

Roy Vrindavanam, Bino Manjasseril Episode 4

How do we look at people who commit crimes?  Does science help us change our personal and social convictions towards criminals? Should justice always be punitive?   

In this episode of Day2Project, we are exploring these questions and much more.  Our sincere hope is to evoke a genuine curiosity in all of you so that you can look into these subjects more closely and thus help building a better and fairer world.

Episode hosts: Roy Vrindavanam & Bino Manjasseril


  1. Incognito: The Secret Lives of the Brain (David Eagleman)
  2. Genome-wide association study of antisocial personality disorder (2016)
  3. Ohio - Innocence Project
  4. Capital punishment by country

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